Sketch like an Architect……Principles of Good Freehand Graphics

‘Drawing is Architect’s Language’ My favorite quote is by Ar. Le Corbusier “ I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies” Everyone loves to see a well-drawn Sketch and be awed by it… If you have been amongst the ones who wish to draw but are afraid to do it, this blog is for you… Follow the tips and I can assure you, that you will enjoy the journey of being confident with sketching. What is the best medium to work with...? Software, Drafting or Freehand sketching…? Most of the Students find Software as a tool easier for drawing as it offers better control… as a result, they end spending 80-90% of their time exploring the software. The labor-intensive hours spent on practicing drawing on software ends up making them a Draftsman, than a Designer. Trust me, On the contrary, if one spends even half the amount on developing freehand abilities, t...