EDGE Expert Training in Green Design

There is a growing demand in Industry for experts capable of providing services for evaluating the performance of a building project for its efficiency in terms of green design. The program of EDGE Expert Training is Accredited by International Finance Corporation. 

The EDGE Experts bring their skills, insights and thorough understanding of the EDGE software to instill confidence that a project is certifiably green. Their persuasiveness paves the way for a client to imagine and realize an entirely green project.

At the individual level, becoming an EDGE Expert results in greater knowledge, career growth and an opportunity to promote professional work. At the firm level, credentialing your team helps to upskill the existing practice while attracting and retaining fresh talent.

A sole practitioner, in-house staff or a member of an engineering or architecture practice can all become EDGE Experts. They are an integral force that binds the design process together while providing outstanding value to clients.

Advantages of undertaking EDGE Expert Training

The training imparts skill sets that increase the overall understanding regarding energy efficiency and water saving systems. The experts are able to offer best fit solutions with reference to context of location, climate and suggest strategies for building integrated design that can improve the overall performance of the building and increase its environment efficiency. EDGE experts are able to provide guidance on ways to apply EDGE software for building performance evaluation and facilitate the certification process.

The three main domains addressed by the EDGE training for the overall improvement of the efficiency aims at providing insight on Energy, Water and Materials. The focus of the training is to create a creed of experts that are environmentally conscious professionals capable of providing best fit solutions in alignment with program requirements and contextual surroundings.

Image : An EDGE Training Program with over 40 participants was held in Thakur School of Architecture & Planning, Mumbai.

To become and EDGE expert, training program of minimum 8 Hours duration is mandatory followed by appearing for an eligibility test. the details of the same can be obtained from the website of edgebuildings.com 

Image : An EDGE Training Program with over 40 participants was held in Thakur School of Architecture & Planning, Mumbai.

Blog Written by:

Prof. Dhiraj N. Salhotra, 
M.Arch. (Gen.) M.Arts (History).

(For any details contact us)

Website: www.tsapmumbai.in

E-mail: tsap@thakureducation.org

Contact: 022-67308001/02

WhatsApp: +91-9833665446


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