Long before, when City of Mumbai was not Metropolis, it was known as Bombay derived from Portuguese word Bombaim ; (City of Good bay). Many people from diverse background came and settle in the city.in search of Work and Business. Later, British began to expand old walls of the city and started settlement to  newer region of then suburbs of Bombay. It was essential for the government, to provide basic amenities such as Water and Drainage in newer region.

                       But in the geographical challenging areas, it was impossible to lay pipeline for water. It came on the shoulder of community of Bishtis (Water Carrier) to supply water to such drought prone area.

                      Bhishtis are soon-to-be-vanished community which provides water to the thirsty people of Mumbai in bag made out of “Skin of Goats or Camel” (called as Mashk). They carry approximately 20 liters water to various locations including Houses, Shops, Temples, Mosque.etc. Initially they were also given task to clean roads and water trees planted by British government. 

Bishti carrying water in Goat Skin towards changing Urbanscape of Mumbai


      On corner of the Pila house area in Old Bombay, just below the old theatre called as Silver Talkies, you will come across the multiple goat skin hanged on the wall. These Goat skin or Mashak, belonged to Majid bhai who is the last few remaining  Bhistis or Mashakwala (Water Carrier) of Mumbai.

British Archives : Images of Bishti Tribe

                   Majid bhai belongs to family, which have provided water from generations and were called as Bhishtis. Bhistis is  derived from the Persian word Behisht which means “Paradise”. His grandfather was officially appointed as Water carrier by British in around 1920s. He says “according to Islam, it is work of Angels and path to paradise to provide thirsty with Water to drink. Everyone can be thirsty. Not only humans but also animals and trees. It’s his divine duty to parched thirsty living life”.

                     Majid bhai wakes up at morning 3 am, to fill up his water tank from nearby old Pyav of Do Taaki. He starts his day by providing water for morning rituals to Mosque and Temples. Later, he fills bucket of bathing Labors of the Market, after a quick cup of Chai (Tea). He knows all the owners and labuors by their name as if they are related to him.  Without Majid bhai, its execrable morning for laborers.   


At the cross road of Pydhonie, near old Masjid, there is shop of Yakub Chacha, who makes and repairs Mashqs Goat skin. He is in the profession from last 32 years.  

                    He mentions the toiling and hard work requires in making Mashqs. He says ”it requires 12 days to make new Mashqs. Goat skin is treated first so that Fats and Hair settles and later its polished to make it Water proof.  After stitching and putting belt, water bag is tested for its strength.  Mostly, Water bag works for 5 to 6 years if maintain properly.”

                     Apart from Water bags, he also repairs other leather products. He explains that repairing Water bag is most difficult task. It takes almost half day to repair Water bags. The stitches need to be water tight in repairing Water Bags. Sometime, instead of thread, hair from  horse tails are used for stitches.

                    After repairing, he needs to check water bag by trial and error method. He fills water bag with water to check any other defect or leakage. He smokes Bidi (Indian Ciggarrate) in style, after every repair as if he has disposed of Bomb successfully. With decline in Water carrier as Livelihood , he is also looking for alternate job opportunities.                    



                   With the advent of newer water connection and high pressure water pumps, there is seldom need of Water carriers. As a result, the job was painstakingly hardworking compared to the amount of monetary output. People began to loose interest and now the Profession of water carrier is on decline. Majid bhais son works in nearby Pharmacy store and plans to buy a shop in old neighborhood of Mumbai one day.

                      Even though decline , Majid Bhai worked on his own risk to provide water to Police and Migrant Labour in Nationwide lockdown during Pandemic of Covid-19. Migrants was stuck in Mumbai , with not much of saving to pay water bills. While Mumbai police made sure to work 24 hrs to amend nationwide lockdown by people.

                        “It came on my shoulder as a duty to provide Water to quench thirst of the city and Covid warrior  in emergency situation” as said by Majid Bhai. Clean drinking water is basic and constitutional right of citizen  and every citizen should have a right to access it. But the source of reaching to the Clean water is not yet define in Constitution of India. What happens with absence of Bhishtis or Water carrier Is question need to be asked evidently before it’s too late.  

Ar. Esa Shaikh 

Assistant  Professor

TSAP, Mumbai


HSC in Science Stream, with 50% Aggregate and 50% Aggregate in PCM.

Qualifying Entrance Exam: NATA or JEE-Paper II

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