Architects….Wired for Wanderlust!!!!


“The architect needs to learn to see, and to open his eyes because there is always a lesson to learn from the streets.”- Santiago Calatrava

Architecture comprises of buildings, streets, cities … all spaces created by mankind. Travelling is an opportunity to experience these in real-time. Architects are trained to observe & perceive their surroundings from the time we begin our journey as students. We are trained to assimilate information from the surroundings, we do this when we visit any place. The creative juices need stimuli which are provided by travelling.

The mind is like an umbrella – it functions best when open. - Walter Gropius


Architecture studies teach us to observe, engage & analyse people. Travelling is the best way to accomplish this. Learning’s from the travels can be varied; in this blog I have tried to put them in a manner to explain the experience as best as possible.

 “Architecture is a visual art and the buildings speak for themselves” – Julia Morgan

Famous architects & their work are an inspiration to all aspiring architects. We have all studied about these buildings and analysed the designs to understand them better. But to personally feel the space and try to see the vision of the architect through your own eyes is an unforgettable experience.

“I believe that the way people live can be directed a little by architecture.”  - Tadao Ando

   "Architecture is about  people."-Francis Kere

We design for people, hence observing & interacting with people becomes an integral part of understanding a particular city or space.  People are driving force behind a successfully designed space be it a building or a city. Travelling to different places gives us an opportunity to understand people from different parts of the country or world.

“The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization” - Frank Lloyd Wright

            “Architecture belongs to  culture, not to civilization.”          - Alvar Aalto-

Architects need to be observers, we learn from observing our surroundings, the activities, rituals lifestyle. As an architect when one travels it’s important to imbibe the culture around us to better understand the place we visit. Culture is as important aspect any community. Traditions & rituals are integral part of the lifestyle of any community. Culture of any civilization is a window to its history. The traditions & beliefs of a community are formed due to the journey of their people in creating their unique identity. Culture comprises of festivals, food clothing & houses as each of these will give insights into the culture of the region.

“There are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature. Therefore, buildings must have no straight lines or sharp corners” – Antonio Gaudi


            "The Sun does not realize how wonderful it is until after a        room is made." – Louis Kahn


Architects should perceive nature while travelling .As said by Leonardo di Vinci “The wisest and noblest teacher is nature itself.” Nature adapts to its surroundings to create fascinating spaces. Each and every act of nature is interconnected to create harmony in the environment. Architects need to learn to replicate this facet of nature in their design, in an attempt to create sustainable built environments. Animals & birds create habitats most suitable for their lifestyle without disrupting their surroundings. Nature creates most sustainable & resilient spaces.

“Architecture is the very mirror of life. You only have to cast your eyes on buildings to feel the presence of the past, the spirit of a place; they are the reflection of society.” – I. M. Pei

Travelling gives architects exposure essential to fuel their creative juices. Be it visiting an historical site or any modern building, travel will teach one various aspects about architecture that any classroom learning cannot. To summarise the blog I would like to mention a quote from our indigenous knowledge.

यस्तु संचरते देशान् यस्तु सेवेत पण्डितान्
तस्य विस्तारिता बुद्धिस्तैलबिन्दुरिवाम्भसि

-Subhashit Manjiri 11-89

“The intelligence of a person who travels in different countries and associates
with scholars expands, just as a drop of oil expands in water.”

Ar. Dipali Vadhavkar

Associate Professor

TSAP, Mumbai

HSC in Science Stream, with 50% Aggregate and 50% Aggregate in PCM.

Qualifying Entrance Exam: NATA or JEE-Paper II

(For any details contact us)



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