Design Education is the future.


There is paradigmatic shift in thinking towards landscape of Design Sector. The competitiveness amongst global economies is dependent on the Design Competence. The ability to innovate and provide solutions that are smart, sustainable and inclusive is the future.

Design Solutions are the need of the hour, the domains that offer exploration are to ideate, innovate, collaborate, exhibit and explore the potential of creating a market niche. More and more aspirants are looking forward for a career in Design studies viz. Product, Furniture, Interior, Architecture or apparels. A formal training in Design, clubbed with Internationally recognized certifications on various niche specializations has been found to be path breaking strategy in opening unlimited trajectories for growth. The specialized areas of Animation, Graphic, Visual Design, Product, UI, HCI & UX are fast seeking growth.

India has an enriched resource of design culture, definitely is a paradise less explored. The global market has a huge demand for revivalist Indian Art and Design, due to its strong socio-cultural and traditionally rooted essence.

Most design professionals are absorbed as in house design ideation think tanks, some become independent brands of design and others find niche as flamboyant freelance experts. The consistent presence as an entrepreneur practice, has shown up scaling of business and emerge in to peak performers. The competitive market has enough room to absorb new enterprises while the network of ties continues to get stronger with constant research and design innovation.

The emergence of Think Hive, Daftar and Bee hive as co working spaces for Design professionals is an indication of the growth. Design Consortiums and independent bodies of professionals brings together the community of designers as a platform for exchange and holistic thinking, thereby also creating a safety net of ethical practice. The addition of Design Laws pertaining to Patent trademark and copyright to the curriculum of design education has created a sense of awareness and generated a creed of aware designs. ‘Design’ is emerging as a corporate philosophy today and most CEOs today are steering through ‘Design thinking’.

The avant garde Institutes offering design education, backed with immaculate infrastructure, physically and digitally equipped labs, strategic location, internationally exposed and prepared to experiment are the fertile grounds for seeking a career in Design. A few Indian Institutes under reputed management has stepped in to the arena of design education with pioneering determination and vision. The opportunities of an International class are now available within India.

A field of design is highly versatile and dynamic, as it promises to grow you, it also seeks to shape you with time.

The pre-requisite personality traits for choosing a career in design are as follows:

The art of observing. Observation skills area great boon for a Design professional.

Preparation to step out of comfort zone and grow.

Attitude for lifelong learning.

There are certain aptitude test requirements for admission to different design courses.

You may Inquire for details:



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