Many of the world famous architects have contributed with their knowledge as faculties, mentors ordeans at famous institutes as Academia across the world. Architecture, as a fraternity does deeply believe in learning from each other and seeing the collective profession grow. Balkrishna Doshi, a pioneer architect in the postmodern times of India is renowned for how he mentored and guided the University of CEPT in Ahemdabad. He was also the director of School of Architecture and School of Planning in Ahmedabad.

Amdavad ni Gufa By Ar. B. V. Doshi
IIM Bangalore By Ar. B. V. Doshi

U.S. born Christopher Benninger, studied at Harvard University where he later taught. He also joined the School of Planning along with Balkrishna Doshi, before going on to establish a practice in India that has lasted a long journey of more than five decades. He has gone on to work on some of the most prestigious projects, including the planning of the capital city of Bhutan, Thimphu. Some of his major architectural projects in India include the United World College of India, the Indian Institute of Management at Kolkata, the Indian Institute of Technology at Hyderabad.

Another famous European architect Walter Gropius, laid the foundation of Bauhaus (literally means building a house), an institute for its holistic approach to learning architecture and arts which formed the basis of modernism in architecture, a profound movement that defined and still defines, across the world, the materiality, the texture and the form of what architecture can be perceived to be.

Bauhaus in Dessau by Walter Gropius.

Bauhaus in Dessau by Walter Gropius.


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Louis Kahn, who practiced architecture in the United States of America, was a well-known mentor at Yale University and later at Pennsylvania University until his death. Louis Kahn has one of the most amazing journeys in architecture. Kahn was entering his fifties when he built his first major design, the Yale University Art Gallery (1951-1953) in New Haven, Connecticut. He is renowned for his works like the IIM Ahmedabad, The Government Complex in Dhaka and the Kimbell Art Museum to name a few. To know more about him watch, Louis Kahn, My Architect, A Son's Journey...

Kimbell Art Museum by Louis Kahn

To teach is to learn twice...and the few architects mentioned above and many more around the world have pursued both architecture and teaching as a medium for crafting their profession. These are the works and stories of only a few, which may give a sense of what it means to be learning and studying in architecture.

To get a more detailed look at education and what a mentor/teacher would go through as a process, we will have to dwell a bit longer. Let’s take a sneak peek into what architectural education is like, for which we need a new lens every time we wish to capture any essence of what architecture is.

One of the biggest and the strongest factors that makes education in architecture so dynamic is the fact that architecture balances itself on the fences between art, technology, physics, psychology, sociology and humanities. Architecture is designing knowing or considering all of the above in different time and space and proportion, leading to a blend of concoction that’s unique to all who savour it.

Architecture education seldom relies on our sense of memory, but challenges our ability to process our experiences and present them in unique ways. No two students end up with the same answer, no two semesters bring the challenge and no two years can pass notes on how to solve what comes next.

Architecture is a mystery, with no books to answer questions and no teachers to solve problems. Here you get mentors who pose a challenge, ask you what you want to do with it and will guide you to materialize and build the imagination you just had...

So here’s a challenge to all you seekers, are you up for it?


Smit G.

Assistant Professor



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