Biomimicry: Applications in Architecture

Biomimicry: Applications in Architecture “Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher” William Wordsworth The great poet rightly said that the nature is first and foremost teacher . The teacher who is eternal and has a lot to deliver in terms of resources, wisdom, facts and beyond. The nature comprises biotic and abiotic components and their interrelationship. The forms and functions of these components are well integrated with their surroundings. Bio-mimicry is a practice which enhances connection between human and nature. Adopting these practices in architecture make positive impact on human mind and behavior. What is a Bio mimicry? Nature is a complex system and hence it assures sustainability. There are certain questions arise in the mind. How does nature function and respond to a particular situation? How does natural elements integrate with the surrounding? What makes nature resilient against the adverse forces? The nature has solutio...