Simple Steps to reduce carbon footprint on Earth by adopting LOW CARBON LIFESTYLE.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), a carbon footprint is a measure of the impact your activities have on carbon dioxide (CO2) produced through the burning of fossil fuels and is expressed as a weight of CO2 emissions produced in tones. If we have to act, it is NOW. You can contribute to reduce your carbon footprint at individual level. How? You need to first measure & keep track of your personal carbon footprint. This blog shall help to educate yourself on Simple Steps to reduce carbon footprint on Earth by adopting LOW CARBON LIFESTYLE. Lowering of carbon footprint however doesn’t happen overnight. By making small changes in our choices & actions in daily lifestyle can start making a difference. 1.TURN-OFF LIGHTS WHEN NOT IN USE. Keep the thumb rule as; if you are going out of room for more than 15 Minutes, then you may choose to Turn-off lights. This small act can help to save energy, reduce electricity bills, helps to keep room cool & also help to e...