Sustainable Frugal Urban Interventions by Citizens as eco sensitive initiatives to promote local crafts, cultures and sites.

The unprecedented growth of Urban Areas has witnessed marginalization of Eco Sensitive sites and Communities. The emergence of larger Metropolitan Regions as extended suburbs has absorbed in to its fold peripheral green field sites, as encroached urban expansion. In addition to this the laissez faire urban economics led by capitalist interventions that have largely focused on optimization of profits have seldom responded to the larger purpose of addressing the environmental concerns. The engulfed eco regions either turn out to become hazardous sites, crime spots, or are encroached by informal settlements. The resulting outcome is increased vulnerabilities and threat to environment. The large scale initiatives under the garb of development, conservation and protection are viewed with distrust and often resulted in further aggravation or facilitators of exploitation. It is in such a scenario of uncertainties that the initiatives for restoration and conservation have come from the f...