Nurturing Environment CONSCIOUS ARCHITECTS
Sustainability and Environment responsive designs have been a subject of deliberation for over a few decades now. Building Construction Industry, is challenged to find competent Professionals capable of delivering quality Green solutions that address the demand for Environment and Energy Efficiency. The Green practices have been aimed at providing cost effective, Eco-friendly and Energy-efficient solution. An Environment Conscious approach to design is a ‘smarter’ way to provide solutions that go beyond the agenda of ‘Green Design’ while delving in to the nuances of ‘Complete Solution’ . The approach respects the uniqueness of each ‘Design Situation’ and aims to provide the most appropriate stakeholder centric solution. Environment Conscious Architects, exhibit competency to involve ‘innovative thinking, experimentation and creation of site specific solutions’ . It’s a ‘Research driven practice’ that keeps the ‘ user expectations and experiences’ at the heart of al...